Uploading computed compound sets

In Fragalysis in silico generated compound poses can be uploaded and will be in the RHS, which can be toggled by a button on the bottom right:


To upload a new set log-in first via pancake stack icon button on the top left:


Once logged in, change the url to:


The specs for the upload can be found at:

To create a header easily you can use the function generate_header from here:

from gist_import import GistImporter

fmodule = GistImporter.from_github('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matteoferla/Fragment-hit-follow-up-chemistry/main/followup/prep_fragalysis.py')
generate_header = fmodule['generate_header']
prep = fmodule['prep']

header: Chem.Mol = generate_header(method_name,
prep(df, header, mol_col='minimized_mol', name_col='name', outfile=f'{method_name}.sdf', ref_pdb=ref_pdb, extras=extras)

Where df has to have the columns specified by mol_col and name_col and a string w/ comma-separator ref_mols. These names must exist. If the hit is shown in Fragalysis as X0123_0A:Z00012345, the name will be x0123_0A.

The compound name must be <50 char.

The columns of extra fields have to be numeric and there can be no nans or strings —only the header needs submitter name etc.

Extra details

This is a successful upload:

In Fragalysis LHS names are bleached to uppercase colon Alt name. Use the non-uppercase name without the alt name for the ref_mols


If you get a table, the set will not be uploaded. If you get an uncaught error (eg. name length below) it will be uploaded up to that point

The name is max 50, no non-alphanumerics bar underscore, while original_SMILES and custom fields are max 256 w/ spaces. In the generate_header method above names are already fixed to not contain spaces.

Custom alpha numberic fields can contain spaces, but the full text will be shown only on the tooltip